Happiness, ISA for All, Love, Relationships

Feed Your Mind

We pay 10 times more attention to bad news than good news. Don’t go to bed after watching the news. You may bring the bad news with you to your sleep and dreams. Don’t wake up in the morning and start the day with the news either.

Start the day right. Do your quiet time or devotionals. Build your inner strength first. Make sure you feed your mind with good things.

In most instance when it comes to work, do not spend too much energy and time just to prove something. One of the best things to do is to IMPROVE on it quietly and let the quality of our work do the announcing for us. Save your time and energy and use them for better use. Once you waste them, you immediately lose.

You and I have to make sure that we put our attention on the things that matter. Because we are what we eat, watch, read and do. And we are what we feed our mind. Be happy and positive. 😉

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